For twenty years the project was managed under the auspices of Leiden University. From 2016 to 2024 the project was a cooperation of the Universities of Amsterdam and Warsaw, financed by the Polish National Centre of Science (NCN Harmonia 2015/18/M/HS3/00621) and the Dioraphte foundation (The Netherlands). Since 2022 the work is supported by the Gerda Henkel Foundation. Local support is given by the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo and the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology in Cairo.

The current team
- Karel C. Innemée (co-director, iconography, architecture)
- Dobrochna Zielińska (co-director, iconography)
- Lucas Van Rompay (Syriac texts)
- Piotr Jutkiewicz (Syriac texts)
- Grzegorz Ochała (Coptic texts)
- Johannes den Heijer (Arabic texts)
- Cristobal Calaforra (head of the conservation team)
- and numerous freelance restores