
The following list is not an exhaustive bibliography, but a selection of titles with an introductory character and a direct relation to the outcomes of the project

H.G. Evelyn White, The Monasteries of the Wâdi ‘n-Natrûn, Part II, The History of the Monasteries of Nitria and of Sketis Edited by W. Hauser New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art 1932

H.G. Evelyn White, The Monasteries of the Wâdi ‘n-Natrûn, Part III. The Architecture and Archaeology. Edited by W. Hauser; New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art 1933

Immerzeel, ‘The Stuccoes of Deir al-Surian: a Waqf of the Takritans in Fustat?’ Coptic Studies on the Threshold of a New Millennium, Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden, 27 August-2 September 2000, Leuven: Peeters, 2004, 1303-20

K.C. Innemée, 'Deir al-Sourian – the Annunciation as part of a cycle?’ in Cahiers Archéo­lo­giques 43 (1995), pp. 129-132

K.C. Innemée, ‘The iconographical programme of paintings in the church of Al-Adra in Deir al-Sourian: some preliminary observations’ in M. Krause, S. Schaten (ed.), ΘEMEΛIA Spätantike und koptologische Studien Peter Grossmann zum 65. Geburtstag, Wiesbaden: Reichert 1998, pp. 143-154

K.C. Innemée, 'Recent Discoveries of Wall-Paintings in Deir al-Surian’, in Hugoye, Journal of Syriac Studies, vol. 1, nr. 2 (1998), pp. 288-304,

K.C. Innemée, P. Grossmann, K.D. Jenner, L. Van Rompay, 'New Discoveries in the al-Adra Church of Dayr as-Suryân in the Wâdî al-Natrûn’ in Mitteilungen zur christlichen Archäologie 4 (1998), pp. 79-103

K.C. Innemée, L. Van Rompay, ‘La présence des Syriens dans le Wadi al-Natrun (Egypte). A propos des découvertes récentes de peintures et de textes mureaux dans l’église de la Vierge du Couvent des Syriens’, Parole de l’Orient 23 (1998) pp. 167-202.

K.C. Innemée, L. Van Rompay, E. Sobczynski, ‘Deir al-Surian (Egypt): Its wall-paintings, Wall-texts and Manuscripts’ Hugoye, Journal of Syriac Studies vol. 2 nr. 2 (1999), pp. 167-188,

K.C. Innemée, 'New discoveries at Deir al-Sourian, Wadi al-Natrun’ in S. Emmel e.a. (ed.) Ägypten und Nubien in spätantiker und christlicher Zeit, Akten des 6. Internationalen Koptologenkongresses Münster, 20.-26. Juli 1996 (=SKCO 6.1) Band 1, Wiesbaden: Reichert 1999, pp. 213-222.

K.C. Innemée, L. Van Rompay, ‘Deir al Surian (Egypt), New Discoveries of January 2000’ in Hugoye, Journal of Syriac Studies vol. 3 nr. 2 (2000), pp. 253-279,

K.C. Innemée, ‘Deir al-Surian (Egypt), Conservation Work of Autumn 2000’ in Hugoye, Journal of Syriac Studies vol. 4 nr. 2 (2001), pp. 259-268,

K.C. Innemée, L. Van Rompay, ‘Deir al-Surian (Egypt): New Discoveries of 2001-2002’ in Hugoye, Journal of Syriac Studies vol. 5 nr. 2 (2002), pp. 245-263,

K.C. Innemée, ‘A newly discovered mural painting in Deir al-Surian’ in Eastern Christian Art 1 (2004), pp. 61-66

K.C. Innemée, ‘Encaustic painting in Egypt’ in Bernard Mathieu, Dinmitri Meeks, Myriam Wissa (eds), L’apport de l’Égypte à l’histoire des techniques (Bibliothèque d’étude 142), Cairo : IFAO 2006, pp. 133-143.

K.C. Innemée, ‘Deir al Surian (Egypt) – Conservation, restoration, reconstruction, daily use, how far should we go?’ in: Jeffreys, E. (ed.), Proceedings of the 21st International Congress of Byzantine Studies, London 21-26 August 2006, Vol. II, Abstracts of Panel Papers. Aldershot (GB) 2007, pp. 304-305

K.C. Innemée, Yuhanna N. Youssef, ‘Virgins with censers, a 10th Century Painting of the Dormition in Deir al-Surian’ in Bulletin de la Societé d´Archéologie Copte XLVI (2007), pp. 69-85.

K.C. Innemée, ‘A Newly Discovered Painting of the Epiphany in Deir al-Surian’ in Hugoye, Journal of Syriac Studies, 14, 1 (2011), pp.63-85,

K.C. Innemée, G. Ochała, L. Van Rompay,  ‘A Memorial for Abbot Maqari of Deir al-Surian (Egypt), Wall Paintings and Inscriptions in the Church of the Virgin Discovered in 2014’ in Hugoye, Journal of Syriac Studies 18, 1 (2015), pp. 147-190,

K.C. Innemée, ‘The Doors of Deir a-Surian Commissioned by Moses of Nisibis: Some Observations on the Occasion of their Restoration’ in Syriac Encounters, Papers from the Sixth North American Syriac Symposium, Duke University, 26-29 June 2011,  (=Early Christian Studies 20), Leuven: Peeters 2015, pp. 193-214

K.C. Innemée, ‘Dayr al-Suryan: New Discoveries’ in Claremont Coptic Encyclopedia,

Leroy, La Peinture Murale chez les coptes 2: Les peintures des couvents du Ouadi Natroun, Cairo : IFAO 1975

Van Rompay, ‘L’histoire du Couvent des Syriens (Wadi al-Natrun, Égypte) à la lumière des colophons de la Bibliothèque nationale de France.’in F. Briquel Chatonnet and M. Debié (eds.), Manuscripta Syriaca. Des sources de première main (Cahiers d’Études syriaques, 4; Paris: Geuthner, 2015, 349-351and 362-363.

in print:

K.C. Innemée, D. Zielińska, ‘New Finds from Deir al-Surian: a Funerary Chapel for Abbot’in Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Coptic Studies. Claremont Graduate University, July 25–30, 2016 [= Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta], Peeters;

K.C. Innemée, D. Zielińska, ‘Deir Al-Surian, a Meeting Point of Syriac and Coptic Culture’, Aram Periodical 31, Peeters;

K.C. Innemée, L. van Rompay and D. Zielińska, ‘The Church of the Virgin in Deir al-Surian (Wadi al-Natrun): Architecture, Art, and History between Coptic and Syriac Christianity’in The Byzantine Near East, E. Bolmann, S.F.Johnson and J.Tannous (eds.), Cambridge University Press.